Safe tethering

Attachment is the pattern of relationships we get from our parents and carers. Attachment can be secure and insecure.

In what ways does a child express secure attachment? Here are some options:

  • The child likes to be with the parents
  • The child does not like to be away from his/her parents (cries if left with strangers, people he/she has not met very well or has rarely met)
  • The child is willing to ask for help, enjoys being cared for, talks about his/her needs (Mommy, please, I can't pull up...)
  • The child likes to help others, willingly shows that he cares
  • The child has healthy self-esteem - feels good in his own skin

Par piesaisti mēs runājam Bērnu emocionālās audzināšanas programmā. Šobrīd notiek rudens nodarbības, bet jau decembrī uzsāksim jaunu grupu 🙂

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