I help to build Respectful and empathetic relationships with children

Elīna Kļaviņa


I am very happy that I chose you, very happy that I am sharing my experience and that I have recognised the moments when it is important to just let go, to hear yourself and not others. We grow and change with our children, and it's cool to have people around who understand these feelings. You are undoubtedly in the right place.

We have been living together for almost 3 weeks now and, you know, I often think about the beginning with my son and how grateful I am to you for being there and supporting us. Now a lot of the things that we solved and sorted out in the meantime, most of all in my head, are not a problem at all and I can enjoy life with a little toddler in peace.

Thank you very much for our conversation! I am so happy and grateful that after a long time of not knowing how to do the right thing and help my little one to cope better with his emotions, we finally have a plan. No more complete ignorance and fear about the future and contact with other children.

I was very blessed by this conversation. Going through a difficult topic and situation became easier after an hour, because sharing it with you, with a professional, helped me to understand how to proceed, how to be in moments when it is not good and how to help myself in a preventive way and to be aware of my resources! Thank you for your time and energy!

Thank you for the conversation! It was very useful for me, because when I talk to a professional, I don't get so distracted and I feel like everything is in my head! Thank you so much for your time and energy!

What I liked most was the feeling that you are one of us - a normal person with your own family, history and knowledge that you are now passing on because you believe that people need it.

The BEA course is designed in a very friendly way for parents who are busy with young children. Elina immediately gives the feeling that she can be trusted and will always listen and give advice that is respectful to both parents and children.

Creating a safe environment! This is essential to be able to talk about more uncomfortable, painful or personal topics. You also have great communication! The ability to listen at other times is all that is needed! And you have a great sense of humour! Without humour everything is too heavy and depressing, but you do a wonderful job of inspiring people to live more joyfully!

Elīna Kļaviņa

About Elina

Both in my work as a PEP Mum and in educating new parents in group sessions, my mission is to promote empathy, mindfulness and an evidence-based approach to parenting.

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Emotional education of the child

Parents with children up to 7 years of age are invited to join a 10-week information and education course - Child Emotional Education (CEA).
Emotional education of the child

Raising Your Child Emotionally (online course)

Aicinu vecākus ar bērniem līdz 7 gadu vecumam pievienoties 10 nedēļu informatīvi izglītojošam tiešsaistes (online) kursam – Bērna emocionālā audzināšana (BEA). KAD: Nākamais tiešsaistes kurss plānots 2025. gada rudenī, bet…
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