8 questions to answer in a difficult moment

Take your notepad or just a white sheet of paper and answer these 8 questions.

1. What worries you?

Take a piece of paper and write down what you are currently concerned about. Don't think long. If several topics come to mind, write them all down.

2. What are your thoughts?

Write down what you think about the situation. Focus only on your thoughts. Examples of what your thoughts might be:

  • "I'm thinking about how it's all going to work out."
  • "I think I'm a failure."
  • "What will others think?"
  • "What should I do now?"
  • "How did I get into this situation?"
  • "How did I get into this situation?"

3. What are your emotions?

Choose and write down the emotions you feel about the situation. For example:

  • "I feel the fear of condemnation."
  • "I feel angry that .."
  • "I feel hopeless when I think of solutions."

4. How do you feel these emotions in your body?

Exactly where and how do you feel each of the emotions you wrote down in answer to the previous question? Where does this emotion reside - in the heart area, in the stomach, in the chest, in the gums, in the tight jaw, in the hands, in the feet? What is it - a pressing, humming, tugging or perhaps a nagging sensation?

5. What do you need right now to feel better?

Here you write down whatever comes to mind, without analysing how realistic or unrealistic it is. Dream up and write down all possible and impossible scenarios. Look at both the small and the big things. Without limits and without criticism.

6. What can you do now?

Study the list above and find the smallest thing you can do right now to take care of yourself and feel better. Do it now. And come back.

7. Where can you ask for support from others?

Study the list and see where other people can help you? Think carefully about the people who are closest to you and further away. Could any of them give you emotional support or practical help? What kind of help? What exactly do you want this person to do? The more precisely you articulate the need, the easier it will be to communicate it.

8. How do you feel now?

Once you have analysed the situation and revised your thoughts and feelings, "scan" your body and mind - how does it feel now? What has changed?

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