Emotional education of the child 2025/1




Parents with children up to 7 years of age are invited to join a 10-week online course - Child Emotional Education (CEA).

The Emotional Education of the Child programme is aimed at parents with young children in the pre-school years, i.e. children up to 7 years of age. This programme is designed to help change children's behaviour and have a deeper impact on their emotional level and personal development. It encourages parents to discover and understand their own early childhood experiences. The programme provides information on the stages of development and the tasks a child needs to complete in order to grow into a happy, emotionally fulfilled person. Principles that promote emotional development are developed, together with concrete techniques.

In 10 sessions you will learn 10 topics:

  1. Child development and temperament
  2. Development and awareness of the body's abilities
  3. Attraction theory and building secure attachment
  4. The meaning and development of play. How to play with a child?
  5. Language development and respectful communication
  6. How is positive self-esteem built?
  7. What is disciplining? How to discipline so as not to "discipline" a child?
  8. Self-regulation of emotions
  9. Focus, planning, problem solving
  10. Social competence (friendship, cooperation), empathy, caring

CIK: €297
You can pay the whole amount at once when you sign up, or €99 when you sign up and then €99 for two months.
To register for the course, you must have made at least the first payment of 99€.


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