Home consultation


Elīna Kļaviņa


The PEP Mummy Consultation takes place at your home for an hour and a half.

IMPORTANT! I only home visit within Riga. In the Baltic region (Carnikava, Ādaži, Garciems, Kalngale, Vecāķi, Garupe) visits can be arranged separately by prior arrangement (Travel expenses +10EUR).

If for some reason you do not want to invite me to your home, but still want a face-to-face consultation, I offer the possibility to meet you and your baby at the Idärto Centre, 91 Čaka Street (opposite Ziedoņdārzs), Riga. To arrange a time for this appointment, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

PEP Mum does not share general advice, but strengthens and encourages mums to look within themselves for answers. If needed, parents can also get information - both related to the baby's development at that moment (physical and emotional development at a certain age, how to understand the baby's "language", breastfeeding and feeding, hand-feeding, dressing, amount and quality of sleep, etc.) and to specific difficulties, such as excessive crying of the baby.

The PEP Mum's advice is mostly aimed at strengthening the new mum's confidence in her feelings about her baby. There is certainly room for the mum to choose the solution that is most acceptable to her.

In this blog post you can read more about how the PEP Mum Consultation works: PEP Mum Consultation

Here are some examples of topics we can discuss in a consultation:

- postnatal emotions

- experiences during childbirth

- your baby cries a lot or you find crying hard to bear

- infant sleep/insomnia

- the role of mum / dad

- Educational issues for 1 year-2 year-3 year-3

- building a secure relationship with your child


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