A pleasant surprise in the "Family Studio"

In the "Family Studio" we talked about the adaptation period in kindergarten. I was pleasantly surprised that the kindergarten managers gave examples of particularly gentle and sensitive adaptation. And in general, it was such a warm and pleasant conversation that... I would like to see such leaders and such attitudes throughout Latvia, both at the level of kindergarten management and at the level of staff.

I am very pleased that educational institutions working with very young children are moving towards evidence-based pedagogy and care. I would like to say BUT, because we still hear strong voices in the public arena chanting that anxious mothers are a hindrance to adaptation, so it is better that we do not tolerate their presence.

By the way, I made a white/black poll on Twitter (x), where I also asked directly whether it is better to organise the adaptation in kindergarten with or without the parents. Out of 209 respondents, 55% were in favour of without. I know that Twitter itself attracts a specific audience, but it reflects the opinion of a section of society. The fact that not all parents are in favour of adaptation to a kindergarten where parents are present with the child for at least a few days was also confirmed by the participants of the "Family Study". This is also confirmed by the experience of other countries, where it is often the teachers who explain to the parents why such adaptation is necessary and what the benefits are for the child (also for parents and teachers).

And now an important remark, which I simply didn't have time to make in the programme, but I think it's important because most probably even now you or someone else reading this email is internally screaming, "But I have to go to work! I don't have anyone to spend those 3 days at the kindergarten with that child!"

1. They are usually not full days, but up to a few hours.

2. I always encourage you to discuss this need with your employer, as they are one of the "parties" involved. It is in his interest to have a qualitatively engaged employee, which will not be the case if, due to poor adaptation, the employee has to take more time off because the child is more likely to fall ill due to stress. (No, successful adaptation is not a guarantee against sickness, but it is certainly a contributing factor). A staff member who sees that the child has adapted well will be able to concentrate on the job at hand in a better way, rather than wandering in his or her thoughts and looking nervously in the direction of the phone to see if there is a call from the nursery to come and get the child because he or she is crying inconsolably.

3. As the kindergarten managers present yesterday said, parents are invited to the kindergarten with their child before the official contract date. Together they can see the facilities, play with the toys, play in the playground, get to know the kindergarten staff. Be sure to consider this opportunity!

4. Anyone else close to the child can accompany the child - grandparents, mum's sister, teenage or adult siblings, etc.

5. If none of the above is possible in your situation, remember that the commitment of the teachers is a huge factor in the adaptation process. Explain your situation to the teacher, tell her everything that can help your child to fit in better and keep in contact with the teacher to discuss how the adaptation process is going.

If you feel you have a lot on your mind about the upcoming changes of starting kindergarten, take a look at my website. There I have prepared "Starting Kindergarten Guide"that can help you get your thoughts in order, and gain more peace and confidence. Remember that I can be your support in the first weeks of starting kindergarten, so consider applying for for the support group in the month your child starts kindergarten.

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