In this lecture, I talk about the emotional manipulation of parents to get their children to obey.
We often hear phrases like:
"Don't go away, your uncle will take you!"
"I'll give you to a strange aunt!"
"That's it, I'm leaving, you're alone, atā - atā!"
"Ask the guard, he'll pick you up and put you in jail for crying and shouting like that!"
Threats of this kind and others are, of course, an effective means of securing obedience at a given moment. However, such methods come at a high price - your relationship with the child, trust, low self-esteem, etc.
During the lecture, I talk about how the child sees these situations, give examples of how to be more sensitive in similar situations and what we can do if we or an outsider has said such things to a child.
Watch the lecture here:
From 4 to 10 March, the fourth Children's Mental Health Week "Talk to Me" will take place, aiming to educate parents and support persons about children's mental health, as well as to inform about resources where to find help in Latvia. This year there will be a record number of talks, lectures and discussions led by specialists from organisations such as Riga State City Municipality Orphanage Court, Teenage Resource Centre, Fern Blossom, Dardedze Centre, as well as many other psychologists and psychotherapy specialists.
"Talk to Me" is organised by Debesmanna, all events are free of charge and take place remotely via Facebook and Instagram live streams of Debesmanna and other partners.
Recordings of the lectures will be available on the Facebook page, YouTube channel and on the website.