Par ko tad mēs īsti runājam Bērna emocionālās audzināšanas kursā?
Īsumā – apskatām bērna attīstību no dzimšanas līdz 6 gadu vecumam un runājam par temperamenta iezīmēm, ķermeņa spēju, piesaistes, spēlēšanās, valodas un komunikācijas, pašvērtējuma, pašregulācijas, sirdsapziņas, problēmu risināšanas, koncentrēšanās, plānošanas, gādīguma un sociālo prasmju attīstību. Par katru no tēmām plašāk lasi tālāk.
A child's development is like a flower blossoming, as new skills gradually develop and "blossom". During development, a child's life changes significantly with qualitative changes. For example, as soon as a child learns to walk, his or her outlook changes greatly as the world becomes more accessible. Similar changes occur in a child's emotional development: once a child has acquired new abilities or skills, his or her view of the world changes significantly. Some of these important changes happen when a child develops secure attachment, learns to use fantasy in play, to understand his own feelings, to learn about other people's experiences and to care about others.
When we think of a pre-school child, we often overlook how he understands his body. However, if we look at slightly older children or imagine ourselves, we need to recognise how important the idea of our own body really is. The feelings and self-esteem associated with our physical appearance form a very important part of who we are. Our judgement of our appearance is an important aspect of our personality. If we have a very negative self-image of our body, it can affect our mental health. High levels of stress are known to affect the immune system and there is a strong link between how we feel emotionally and our somatic/physical health.
If we are trying to understand what has influenced our current personality, we will probably name our relationship with our parents as one of the most important factors. Indeed, early relationships with a primary caregiver (usually the mother) will often become the model on which we build other relationships later in life, especially those with our children. The quality of attachment and parent-child interactions has been shown to influence children's development, especially emotional and social development. It has also been shown that attachment styles are most likely to continue from one generation to the next. This has been confirmed by both researchers and those who work with parents and their infants on a daily basis.
Play is one of the key elements in a child's development and can sometimes also improve the well-being of adults. In other words, play is not a waste of time, but a breath of life for children of all ages.
Research shows that the most important factor in promoting language is talking to parents. Talking is important for both children with normal language development and those with delayed language development. A child's ability to learn language is innate, but language does not develop without feedback from the people around them.
High self-esteem is associated with a sense of competence, well-being and the ability to parent successfully, while low self-esteem is associated with behavioural and mental health problems. However, self-esteem is often a rather simplistic concept and people do not always notice the difference between a realistic self-concept and an overly high self-esteem, which in turn has a negative impact on behaviour.
Septītā soļa pilnais nosaukums ir – disciplinēšanas metodes, kas veicina pašregulāciju, attīsta sirdsapziņu un morālo uzvedību. Ir vairāki faktori, kas izraisa bērna grūtības savaldīt savu uzvedību, un sniegt vienkāršu atbildi par “pareizo” disciplinēšans metodi nav iespējams.
Mazi bērni katru dienu pārdzīvo visdažādākās emocijas. Dažkārt tās ir tik spēcīgas, ka pārņem viņus un viņi nespēj savaldīties. Ar laiku bērni iemācās paši sevi nomierināt. Vecāku mierinājums ir svarīgs īpaši mazākiem bērniem, bet arī lielākiem. Dažiem bērniem vecāku palīdzība ir vajadzīga ilgāk nekā citiem.
Some children are very good at focusing on a particular activity, while others will flit impulsively from one side of the room to the other, unable to concentrate long enough to finish what they have started. In this step, you will learn how to develop concentration skills and how to promote planning and problem solving.
Social competence includes the abilities that help children get along with others (e.g. to be liked and accepted), build friendships and ensure that interactions with others are reciprocal and valuable. If a child has developed good social competence, he or she is able to build successful relationships - getting along with peers, teachers, parents and other family members.
Kursā par katru no tēmām tev būs pieejamas video lekcijas, kuras vari noskatīties sev ērtā laikā, kā arī katru nedēļu tiksimies grupā Zoom zvanā, kur pārrunāsim nedēļas tēmu kopīgi. Tiekamies? Nākamais BEA kurss sāksies jau 3. decembrī un tev vēl ir iespēja pieteikties! Pieteikšanās šeit: Bērna Emocionālās audzināšanas kurss.
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